Upcoming Event – 3/26 – A Christian Ending: Preparing for Death & Burial In the Ancient Christian Tradition

On March 26 Deacon Mark and Elizabeth Barna will give an all-day workshop based on their book, “A Christian Ending, A Handbook for Burial in the Ancient Christian Tradition” at St Elizabeth the New Martyr Russian Orthodox Church in Columbia, SC. The workshop begins with a discussion of a Patristic understanding of Death and Life. Later discussions include Elder Care and Care of the Dying Patient, legal issues, estate planning, dealing with hospitals, healthcare facilities and hospice, the cremation fallacy, how to prepare a body for burial and preforming a complete in-home or church funeral without the aid of a professional funeral director. Time permitting, the afternoon session concludes with a discussion of a Patristic understanding of grief.

We will begin the day with a Liturgy for the Departed at 9:00 AM and lunch will be provided. There is a $10 per person suggested donation, and space is limited. Please contact Fr. Mark Mancuso at frmark@stelizabeth.net or 803-600-0001 if you are interested in attending.

9:00am: Liturgy for the Departed
11:00am – 6:00pm: Presentations

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