Pre-Lenten Personal Check List & Preliminary Lenten Resources

Pre-Lenten Personal Check List & Preliminary Lenten Resources

Are you ready for the beginning of Great Lent? Here is a checklist.

  1. The meat and dairy in your house are (or about to be) used up.
  2. Prepare to make thorough confession of sins to be made early in Lent.
  3. Get a blessing from your priest about any adaptations to the fasting rules for Lent.
  4. Select Lenten reading material and ideally get it blessed by your priest in advance.
  5. Set a plan for charitable giving.
  6. Arrange time off with employer so that you (and your family) can attend the primary Holy Week services and Pascha. Plan to attend the special Lenten services, particularly during the 1st week of the Fast (Clean Week) and to attend the Liturgy of the Pre-sanctified Gifts as often as possible during Lent.
  7. Ask forgiveness asked of anyone with whom you have quarreled.
  8. Inquire with your priest about a daily Lenten prayer rule.

Here are some helpful resources:

Putting Lent in our Life

The Meaning of Great Lent

The True Nature of Fasting

The Rules of Fasting for Great Lent

May God grant you a beautiful springtime of the Fast!

Nativity 2020/2021 Church Services & Events / Рождество 2020/2021 Богослуженія и событія

Nativity 2020/2021: Church Services & Events – Рождество 2020/2021: Богослуженія и событія

Wednesday, January 6 – Eve of Nativity
9:00 AM: Royal Hours & Typica
10:30 AM: Vesperal Liturgy
5:30 PM: All-Night Vigil

Thursday, January 7 – Nativity of Christ
9:40 AM: Hours & Divine Liturgy
12:00 PM: Festal Meal & Yolka

Среда, 6 января – Сочельникъ Рождества
9:00 ч.:
 Царскіе часы и Изобразительны
10:30: Вечерня съ Литургіей
17:30: Всенощное бдѣніе

Четвергъ, 7 января – Рождество Христово
9:40: Часы и Божественная литургія
12:00 ч.: Праздничная трапеза и Ёлка




December 19-20, 2020: Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan to Visit St Elizabeth the New Martyr Church/19-20 декабря 2020 г.: Еписпокъ Манхэттенскій Николой посѣтитъ храмъ св. преподобномученицы Елисаветы

Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan to Visit St Elizabeth the New-Martyr Church

Here are the services and events connected with Bishop Nicholas’ visit to our parish.

Saturday, December 19
6:00pm: Vigil

Sunday, December 20
9:30am: Greeting of the Bishop; Hours; Hierarchical Liturgy
12:00pm: Lenten Potluck Meal

Еписпокъ Манхэттенскій Николой посѣтитъ храмъ св. преподобномученицы Елисаветы

Ниже слѣдуютъ службы и событія, связанныя съ визитомъ епископа Николая въ нашъ приходъ.

Суббота, 19 декабря
18:00 ч.: Всенощная

Воскресенье, 20 декабря
9:30 ч.: Встрѣча Владыки; часы; Архіерейская Литургія
12:00 ч.: Постная трапеза – каждый приноситъ блюдо.



Important! – St Elizabeth’s Annual Parish Meeting: Sunday, Nov 15, 2020 @ 12:30pm

Dear Brethren,
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, ruling bishop of the Diocese of New York and Eastern America, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting this Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 12:30pm in St John’s Parish Hall (during our Coffee Hour Meal). Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend and participate. The parish council and clergy have worked extremely hard this year in support of the parish, so please honor their efforts with your attendance.
-Warden’s Address
-Rector’s Address
-Audit Committee Report
-Treasurer’s Report & 2021 Budget
-Mortgage Payoff Plan Update
-Election of Officers & Council Members
With much love in Christ,
Fr Mark

Paschal Joy from the Pentecostarion – Spiritually Edifying Quotations for the Week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

Dear Brethren and Friends of St Elizabeth’s,
Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!
Христосъ воскресе! Воистину воскресе!
Attached to this post are some of the stichera (verses) from the services of Matins and Vespers for Myrrh-Bearing Women Week. They are taken from The Pentecostarion, which is the special liturgical book used during this season of the year – Pascha through All Saints –  for our worship and edification. The verses chosen focus on the glorious resurrection of Our Lord and how His resurrection changes our humanity and the very fabric of Creation.
With much love in Christ,
Fr Mark

Week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

Monday of the Myrrh-bearers:

“Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb, seeking The Lord. And they beheld an Angel as though he were lightening, sitting upon the stone, and saying unto them: why do ye seek the Living among the dead? He is risen as He said; ye shall find Him in Galilee. And let us cry out to Him: O Thou Who didst arise from the dead, Lord, glory to Thee.”

“Noble Joseph, we know thee to be a cherubic chariot, since thou didst bear Christ the King in thine arms when thou didst remove Him from the hallowed tree of the Cross. For this cause we do bless thy hands; thine eyes do we honor; thy worshipful palms do we now venerate with awe. For thou wast deemed worthy to carry to His tomb the Word, even Christ God. Therefore, we acclaim thy godly memory.”

Tuesday of the Myrrh-bearers:

“The myrrh-bearers, having risen early and beheld the sepulcher empty, said unto the Apostles: The Mighty One hath put down corruption, and he hath carried off them that were held bound in Hades; proclaim ye with boldness that Christ the Lord is risen, granting the world great mercy.”

“There doth shine upon the world today the threefold Resplendence which taketh away the passions’ dark gloom. Christ’s arising shineth, guarding all them that believe. The Apostles’ ranks dance for joy, and Joseph exulteth, for the myrrh-bearers’ radiant memory doth crown those who faithfully hymn them and who render glory and praise to the divine arising of the Word of God.”

Wednesday of the Myrrh-bearers:

Grieving, the myrrh-bearing women who followed Christ cried out: Is the Savior still to be found with the dead? Is the great noetic Sun beneath the earth till now? Hath He risen as he foretold? But while they were weeping, from the tomb an Angel spake to them of godly joy, saying: Christ the Lord hath arisen; hasten now, proclaim unto all men His divine arising from the sepulcher.”

“Thou most blessed Joseph, dost now bear on thy shoulders as on a chariot God the Word, even Christ, Who doth rest upon the shoulders of the Cherubim. He that formerly took on flesh accepteth to die now, even He that giveth life to us who once were dead. Therefore, with the honored myrrh-bearers, thou rejoicest at His arising, though not long past thou with them didst mourn His death.”

Thursday of the Myrrh-bearers:

“Before Thy conception, O Lord, an Angel brought the greeting, Rejoice, to her that is full of grace; and, at Thy Resurrection, an Angel rolled away the stone of Thy glorious tomb. The one, instead of sorrow, announced the tokens of gladness. The other, instead of death, proclaimed the life-giving Master unto us. Wherefore, we cry unto Thee: O Benefactor of all, Lord, glory to Thee.”

“Why do ye mingle tears with the myrrh-oils, O ye women disciples? The stone hath been rolled away, the sepulcher is empty. Behold corruption trodden under by Life, the seals bearing clear witness, the guards of the disobedient fast asleep. Mortal nature is saved by the flesh of God, Hades is lamenting. Hasten ye with joy, and say unit the Apostles: Christ, the First-born from the dead, Who caused death to die, goeth before you into Galilee.”

Friday of the Myrrh-bearers:

“In fulfillment of that clear command spoken by the most godly Angel, the women bearing myrrh-oils told the sacred and divine disciples of Christ our God that the King Who had died for us had utterly vanquished, through His Resurrection, darkest Hades and His realm. Thus they who had formerly marveled at the Angel’s brilliant, white raiment granted the Apostles endless joy divine.”

Saturday of the Myrrh-bearers:

“When he took Thee dead from off of the Tree, the Arimethaean prepared Thee with the finest linen and myrrh that might give burial to Thee, the Life of all. Then, compelled by his fervent love, he longed to embrace Thee and press Thy spotless Body to his heart and lips. But his fear and reverence restrained him, whilst with joy he cried to Thee: Glory to Thy condescension, O Thou Friend of man.”

“Not having hindered the stone of the tomb from bearing sealed, Thou, on Thine arising, hast granted the rock of faith unto all. O Lord, glory to Thee.”

Printable version: Paschal Joy from the Pentecostarion – Myrrh-Bearing Women Week

Paschal Joy from the Pentecostarion – Spiritually Edifying Quotations for Thomas Week

Dear Brethren and Friends of St Elizabeth’s,

Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!

Христосъ воскресе! Воистину воскресе!

Attached to this post are some of the stichera (verses) from the services of Matins and Vespers for Thomas Week. They are taken from The Pentecostarion, which is the special liturgical book used during this season of the year – Pascha through All Saints –  for our worship and edification. The verses chosen focus on the glorious resurrection of Our Lord and how His resurrection changes our humanity and the very fabric of Creation.

With much love in Christ,
Fr Mark

Paschal Joy from the Pentecostarion – Thomas Week

Monday of Thomas Week:

“On beholding Thee, Thomas was struck with awe and astonishment; and, on recognizing Thee, O Almighty One, he cried: My God and my Lord art Thou. O Friend of man, I believe that Thou art He Who endured that dread Passion and Who doth heal our impassioned souls. Thus, I worship Thy power and proclaim unto Thy Resurrection, Thine awesome Rising, omnipotent.”

“As the disciples were in doubt, the Savior came on the eight day to where they were gathered and granted them peace, and cried unto Thomas: Come, O Apostle, and feel the palms in which they fastened the nails. O good unbelief of Thomas, which hath lead the hearts of the faithful to knowledge! Hence he cried out with fear: O my Lord and my God, glory to Thee.”

Tuesday of Thomas Week:

“The women rose up early and came to the Lord’s tomb, and when they beheld there the Angel, they trembled in amazement. The tomb became radiant with life; the marvel filled the women with great awe. Thus they went to the disciples and they declared the rising of the Mighty One: Christ alone despoiled Hades with his strength; all those in corruption hath he raised, freeing them from fear of blame and reproach through the Cross’ might.”

“With harmonious praises let us acclaim in song on this, his holy memorial, the Apostle of Christ. In a God-befitting manner he confirmed our minds and the true Faith throughout the world when he handled the nail wounds, for he sought to have a sure faith. And he beseecheth the Savior the He have mercy on our ailing souls.”

Wednesday of Thomas Week:

“Leaving not the Father’s bosom, Thou didst appear on earth bearing flesh in Thy great compassion, O Christ. And freely accepting both to suffer and to die, on the third day Thou didst arise. And then Thou didst enter while the doors were shut, since Thou art God omnipotent. Wherefore, when he touched Thy divine side, Thomas stood rejoicing in wonder, glorifying Thee as Lord and Fashioner.”

“Pascha is this present holy Feast; mystic and divine, sacred Pascha: the saving Pascha of God; Pascha which conveyeth us unto immortal life. Lo, this Pascha doth take away all sadness and sorrow. Pascha, which doth grant to the disciples joyous grace! Wherefore, Thomas cried with rejoicing: Thou art my God and Lord, O Savior, Who hast carried off the spoils from Hades’ realms.”

Thursday of Thomas Week:

“When with his probing right hand Thomas felt the Word’s wounded limbs, his unbelief established the world-saving Arising for the world’s assurance; for the God-man, in His great love for all mankind, arose from Hades’ abysses and thus destroyed all its strength as the Almighty One.”

“Jesus came unto the disciples while the doors were shut, and granted them peace and fearlessness. Then He saith unto Thomas: Why believest thou not that I have arisen from the dead? Bring hither thy hand and place it in My side, and see; because thou hast disbelieved, all have learned of My Passion and Resurrection, and they shall all cry out with thee: O my Lord and my God, glory to Thee.”

Friday of Thomas Week:

“This illustrious festive day is the day which The Lord hath made; let us all be glad and rejoice herein with joy. For lo, the Giver of Life is risen; Hades hath been despoiled. And the apostolic choir hear the tidings of joy today, while the doubting one, even Thomas, hath touched the Master’s side and by this touching hath proclaimed Christ to be of two natures, God and man.”

Saturday of Thomas Week:

“When they camest together, assembling upon Sion, the disciples hid themselves, fearing the malice of the Hebrews. And though the doors had been fastened shut, O Good One, Thou didst enter bringing joy. Thou didst show to them the wounds in Thy most pure side and in Thy most holy hands. Thou didst say unto Thomas in doubt: Stretch thy hand forth and examine Me. See thou that I Myself am He that suffered on thine account.”

“The soldiers standing guard at Thy tomb, O my Savior, became as dead when they saw the lightening-like Angel who preached to the women of Thine arising, O holy Lord. Thee we glorify, Who hast abolished corruption; Thee do we adore, Who from the grave hast arisen, and Who alone art our God.”

Printable version: Paschal Joy from the Pentecostarion – Thomas Week

A Few Notes for Bright Week and the Paschal Season – By Very Rev. Fr. Mark Mancuso

A Few Notes for Bright Week and the Paschal Season
By Very Rev. Fr. Mark Mancuso
• We greet one another during the entire Paschal season (which lasts 40 days) with the words: “Christ is risen!” and the response to the greeting is: “Indeed, He is risen!”
• During Bright Week, the Holy Doors and the Deacons’ doors of the iconostasis remain open symbolizing the empty tomb of our Master and Savior: Christ is risen!
• During Bright Week, our prayers in church and at home are sung and not read as we sing all week the feast of the risen Christ: Christ is risen!
• During Bright Week, our morning and evening prayers are replaced by the singing of the short service of the Hours of Pascha (see your prayer books): Christ is risen!
• During Bright Week, we do not read from the psalter at home or in church for the prophecies have been fulfilled: Christ is risen!
• During Bright Week, there is no fasting as we are at feast with the Bridegroom who processes forth from the tomb: Christ is risen!
• During the entire Paschal season and extending to Pentecost there is no prostrating or kneeling permitted in church or at home for we stand with the resurrected Christ: Christ is risen!
• During the Paschal season we begin all of our prayers at home and in church by singing the troparion of Pascha: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!”
• During the Paschal season and extending to Pentecost, we do not pray “O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth…” for the Comforter comes on Pentecost. Christ is risen!
• And most important of all: “A Pascha worthy of all honor has dawned for us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously!…This is the day of resurrection. Let us be illumined by the feast. Let us embrace each other. Let us call ‘Brother’ even those who hate us, and forgive all by the resurrection, and so let us cry: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!” “And unto us He has given eternal life. Let us worship His resurrection on the third day!”

March 25, 2020: Parish Update Regarding Current Status of Church Services & Events

Dear Brethren & Friends of St Elizabeth’s,

I am writing today to address how we will proceed with parish life in light of the governor’s order regarding public gatherings and the clarification exempting religious and political organizations. Before I outline our parish’s plan for proceeding with parish life (much of which has already been in place), I would like to remind ourselves that the Church is – to use contemporary parlance – an, or rather, the “essential service.” The Church is the “Ark of Salvation” and, through the divine services and sacraments, we are connected to “all the fullness of God” unto eternal life. We should endeavor to live everyday of our lives – whether in peaceful times or times of trouble – in the bosom of the Church, which is Christ’s “Mystical Body.”

Below is our plan for proceeding with parish life in a way that addresses our ability to worship and our desire to be conscientious to the community regarding the spread of the Coronavirus. This plan is temporary in nature and we will constantly be evaluating things as conditions might change.

-All church services will proceed as scheduled

-All non-liturgical events have been postponed or cancelled (such as coffee hour, Sunday School, etc,) until further notice

-We will begin live streaming all church services on our parish’s Facebook page beginning on Friday, March 27

-All those who are in the category of being susceptible to Cornavirus (senior citizens, those who have a compromised immune systems, etc.) should consider staying home from church and watch our live stream, but should not feel compelled to stay home

-For those of you who are sick, especially those with symptoms resembling the Coronavirus, we ask that you stay home from church and watch our live stream

-For those of you who have been exposed to someone with the Coronavirus, or symptoms resembling it, we ask that you stay home from church and watch our live stream

-For those who will be coming to the church services, we ask that you practice “social distancing” attempting to keep 6 feet of distance from each other (family members do not have to “social distance” from each other, only from others or other families)

-A core of the choir has agreed to sing the services together (as many are from the same family), but any other choir members may join the choir if they wish, but should not feel obligated to do so

-The number of altar servers is not restricted as the altar is large enough to account for our usual number

-Regarding Confession, Fr Mark will hear them at the usual times in the usual manner as well as via telephone

-If anyone feels sick during a church service, we ask that they leave and, if possible, let the church warden know

-Our parish warden, Josh Shaw (or his designee), will be at all church services standing in Narthex helping the faithful with “social distancing” and assisting any visitors who might not be aware of our current procedures

-All the surfaces in the church (including the bathrooms) will be cleansed before and after each church surface and all church vessels will be cleaned thoroughly in the traditional manner

At this time, I ask your prayers for Metropolitan Hilarion, Bishop Nicholas, for me, and for the parish council. These are unprecedented times and none of us has ever had to make such weighty decisions regarding church life. Two final things: please check in on one another during this time as so many of us have been living in some form of isolation; and, please know that I love each and every one of you and pray for you daily as well as commemorate you by name at every liturgy that I serve.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need a pastoral visit, or if you have questions or concerns.

With much love in Christ,

Fr Mark

Wednesday, March 25 – Holy Unction Service Cancelled

Dear Brethren & Friends of St Elizabeth’s,
It’s with deep regret that we will have to cancel tomorrow evening’s Holy Unction service. Yesterday our governor issued a ban on public gatherings. At this point we are not sure what this all means for churches, but we thought as a preventive measure would cancel. We will, however, continue to hold our other church services as scheduled, but it is unclear to us at this time how many people we can have at the services and abide by the state’s directives regarding safeguarding the health of our community. The bishop will give us guidance today. I will give updates as soon as I have some firm decisions. Please pray for your priest and bishop as we make these decisions. None of us has been through anything like this before, but we promise that we will meet the spiritual needs of our parish to the best of our ability. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I want to hear from you!
With much love in Christ,
Fr Mark


Dear in the Lord Fathers, Brothers & Sisters!

With a sense of weighty responsibility not only for the eternal salvation of men’s souls, but also for the physical health of the clergy, monastics, parishioners, and worshippers of the Russian Church Abroad, I have been attentively following the development of events relating to the spread of the coronavirus, prayerfully beseeching for all God’s aid and the intercession of His Most-Pure Mother.

The current global outbreak of coronavirus dominates the daily headlines, with reports every day of new cases. Nevertheless, the divine services in our churches will continue, and Communion of the clergy and laity will be performed in the usual manner. In everything else, I ask that you undertake reasonable precautionary measures, adhering to common sense and the recommendations of local authorities, in order to preserve the health of the people and arrest the virus’ spread. If you are experiencing symptoms reminiscent of a cold, or if you have spent time with those who are ill, please have consideration for your neighbors, refrain from attending church, and pray at home.

The most important thing in these days is to preserve calm and inner peace, trusting in God. May the Lord help us not only to believe in Him, but also to trust in Him and in His guidance, that we might not lose spirit, and may act with goodly wisdom.

May the Lord keep you!

Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York
First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad


Дорогие о Господе отцыбратья и сестры!

Чувствуя бремя ответственности не только за вечное спасение душ человеческих, но и за телесное здравие клира, монашествующих, прихожан и богомольцев Русской Зарубежной Церкви, внимательно слежу за развитием событий, связанных с распространением коронавирусной инфекции, молитвенно испрашивая всем благословения Божия и заступничества Его Пречистой Матери.

Нынешняя глобальная вспышка коронавируса доминирует во всех новостях, каждый день сообщают о новых случаях. Тем не менее, богослужения в наших храмах будут продолжаться, а Причащение духовенства и мирян будет совершаться обычным порядком. Во всем остальном прошу принимать разумные меры предосторожности, придерживаясь здравого смысла и рекомендаций местных органов власти, чтобы сохранить здоровье людей и остановить распространение вируса. Если вы испытываете симптомы, напоминающие простуду, или встречались с больными, пожалуйста, подумайте о своих ближних, воздержитесь от посещения храма и помолитесь у себя дома.

Самое главное в эти дни – сохранять спокойствие и внутренний мир, доверившись Богу. Пусть Господь помогает нам не только верить в Него, но и доверять Ему, Его водительству, чтобы не терять присутствия духа и поступать благоразумно.

Храни вас Господь!

Митрополит Восточно-Американский и Нью-Йоркский
 Русской Зарубежной Церкви
